Woodsy Owl – June 26, 2024


We are so excited you have chosen to participate in a program at one of the many FIND Outdoor sites, we know you’ll have a great time.  We have a waiver that will need to be completed for each participant at the time of the program.  To save time, you are welcome to print, sign and bring this waiver with you; otherwise we will have a form for you to fill out and sign when you arrive for your program.

Thank you for choosing to FIND your adventure on public lands, we’ll see you soon.

Woodsy Owl is the USDA Forest Service’s conservation symbol whose motto is, “Lend A hand, care for the land.” Woodsy Owl’s Curiosity Club invites children ages 4 to 7 to explore the natural world with their trusted adult and FIND naturalist. Programs are 1.5 hours long and include reading a story, hands-on activities, games and a craft.

Cancellation/Refund Policy: All ticket purchases are NON-REFUNDABLE.  Unused ticket purchases will support the mission and work of FIND Outdoors, a 501(c)(3) tax deductible nonprofit organization, Tax ID# 56-1302500.

If you wish to transfer your ticket to someone else, make sure they give YOUR name at check in. We are using a manifest from the ticketing website that lists tickets by name.

Customers will receive a full refund or credit in case of operator cancellation due to severe weather or other unforeseen circumstances.


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